Incorporated March 11, 1884. The latitude of Gloster is 31.197N. The longitude is -91.021W. It is in the Central Standard time zone. Elevation is 423 feet. The population, at the time of the 2000 census, was 1,073.


City Hall

251 S. First St.
Gloster, MS 39638

P.O. Box 1019
Gloster, MS 39638

Phone: (601) 225-4216
Fax: (601) 225-4772


Leroy Billy Johnson

Board of Aldermen

Jerry Norwood
Albert Ray Fields
Christine Havard
Eldon P. Hopf
Bill Adams

City Attorney:

Angela Cockerham

Municipal Clerk:

Monzella Tickles

Deputy Municipal Clerk:

Patricia T. Brown

Municipal Judge:

Roger Arnold

City Prosecutor:

David Wilkerson

Chief of Police:

Tommie Lee, Sr.
(601) 225-4771